This is a website of Randy & Diana Smyth. Our objective is to direct teams of people toward establishing thriving churches of Christians among language groups of people who have no access at all to a Bible or Christian.
We are working with the team of missionaries sent by their local churches under the organization of Ethnos360. We work with local churches to mobilize more missionaries toward the languages still untold.
We believe that the best gift we can give to other people is the opportunity to exercise faith in the living God;
- in believing Him about His identity, character, purpose, and plan,
- in recognizing each person’s great need for Christ’s provision,
- increasing in the value placed upon His written word, the Holy Bible,
- growing in the way that they think about earthly living in light of eternity,
- changing in the things toward which they invest their time and resources,
- expanding in the people to whom they minister,
- Intentional in the course that they set for earthly living in the light of God’s promises concerning life after the death of this present body.
We speak where invited and go where we can set up a table to talk to people about unreached people groups.
We direct people toward –
- The Word of God – to know God personally; to live our lives like eternity is coming and what we do here now matters then.
- Establishing every person complete in Christ; rooted in His identity, their own identity in Christ, and growing according to 2 Peter 1.
- Equipping the saints for he work of the ministry.
- Sending messengers and actively engaging ourselves until every ethnolinguistic people group has access to the Gospel.
- Establishing thriving churches of Christ-followers in every ethnolinguistic people group worldwide.
- Ethnos360’s Wayumi programs (wayumi.com)
- — Wayumi Expedition
- — Wayumi Weekend Retreat
- — Wayumi Course
- — Wayumi Winter Quest
- — Wayumi Church Leaders Retreat
- Ethnos360’s Interface program for six weeks of practical learning from missionaries on the mission field.
- Ethnos360’s Volunteer program (ethnos360.org/go)
- Ethnos360’s Skilled Associate missionary support program (ethnos360.org/go)
- Ethnos360 Bible Institutes for two years of studying the Bible for a lifetime of ministry. (e360bible.org)
- Ethnos360’s career Missionary Training Center (ethnos360.org/training)
- Ethnos360 Aviation to join the team who work near the ends of the earth to support church-planting missionaries because, Millions Unreached, None Unreachable. ethnos360aviation.org
- Toward a lifetime of serving with the Ethnos360 missionary team toward accomplishing the Great Commission by establishing A Thriving Church for Every People. (ethnos360.org)
The “Still Untold” website is intended to direct people toward the ministry of Ethnos360. We have seen the track record, or fruit, of Ethnos360 and believe that the Ethnos360 team is very focused as well as skilled in applying Biblical principles toward effectively reaching unreached people groups. “… Ethnos360 exists to assist the ministry of the local church…” See the rest of the Purpose Statement here. –> https://ethnos360.org/about/
You can learn more about Randy & Diana Smyth at our ministry blog. ethnos360.org/randy_smyth/about
Our ministry is supported through the generous gifts of people who want to enable our work; especially toward reaching every unreached people group with the Gospel and establishing thriving churches among them.
Thank you for your interest.