Monthly Archives

Heart Treasure

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” — Jesus, Creator, Savior, in Matthew 6:21 We all have things that we value; things that we treasure in our hearts. What are our values? How do we use our resources?  How do our values, our treasures, compare to what God values? Are they the…


People Groups Still Untold: Let’s deliver the Good News!

One thing all believers in Jesus Christ have in common is this: someone told them. We believed the Good News message because someone else who heard it intentionally made it accessible to us; so that we could see for ourselves who God is and what He has done for us. The Ma people of Papua…


Mission: What is it?

What is our mission? Is there a gap between what is commonly called “missions” and what Jesus commanded us to do in the Great Commission? Where Christ-centered churches exist, the Body of Christ will be glorifying God through evangelizing the lost, equipping the saints for ministry, “worth-shipping” or reflecting God’s worth, feeding the hungry, clothing…


Reach One

How do you plant a thriving church among a language group of people who have no access to the Bible, no Christians among them, an unwritten language, a mysterious culture, and are isolated from other language groups? The objective is to equip these people with the tools they need to live a life of believing…


Best Thing

The best of the best things that could happen to a person is to be brought into a personal relationship with the triune living God. The God of the Bible is utterly perfectly good all the time. He is the author of every good thing in our lives. He is the provider and sustainer of…