“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” — Jesus, Creator, Savior, in Matthew 6:21

We all have things that we value; things that we treasure in our hearts.

What are our values? How do we use our resources? 

How do our values, our treasures, compare to what God values? Are they the same things?

The most important treasure is our relationship with the living God. Without Him we have nothing. Without appropriating our clothing in the righteousness of Christ by believing Him, we stand naked and without excuse before God. His identity, values, and purpose are key to understanding our identity, condition, position, and purpose in the world. (Keys)

God values individual fellowship with every person on His terms; on the foundation of His perfectly good and righteous person, values, and purposes. If we value Him, we will be concerned about the things that concern Him, and be busy storing up treasure according to His value system. He values people. He values goodness and righteousness which we don’t have but He has provided through faith in Christ and indwelling the Holy Spirit. His plan is that those who know Him deliver His message to those who do not so that all may know the wonders of His Grace.

These web links may help paint a general picture of the heavenly layaway plan. (Matt. 6:20)

The Traveling Team –  http://www.thetravelingteam.org/stats/

The Joshua Project – https://joshuaproject.net/people_groups/statistics

David Joannes – https://davidjoannes.com/shocking-stats-on-missions-giving/

How many living languages are there in the world? 

How many of these language groups have access to a Bible or portion thereof?

Why is it important that people have the Bible? They will need it to communicate what Jesus’ disciples were told to share:  On the highest authority in heaven and on earth, Jesus told us to go to every ethnic group, every language group, and teach them to observe all that He commanded.  (Matthew 28:18-20)

State of the World – https://youtu.be/WrHC7hXNoV8

Five Things You Need To Know About Missions – send100.org/keys/

Missions FAQ – send100.org/missions-faq