All of us have a grid of assumptions about reality through which we view the world around us. Those assumptions shape our thinking about what is good or repulsive, right or wrong. They are a result of our experiences, our culture, our relationships, and our observations. Some people think eating grub worms is wrong. Others think murdering their women is a good and right way to prevent the spread of pneumonia. Some think shooting a person is no different than shooting a tree.
The standard by which you measure behavior matters.
If, as God claims, He is our Creator, Owner, Designer, and Judge, then does His opinion about His design matter? What is His worldview? Who is He? What is He like? What does He value? What does He want from us? Does how we live matter? Is what we believe relevant? Are there consequences for our choices and actions?
The Holy Bible is the operations manual that God has made available to us to find answers to these questions and many more. Does it actually say what other people say it does? Does it matter if we read the last chapter before the beginning? It does. Like any author worth reading, God has a designed sequence for presenting information to the reader. “The Unique Book”, the Holy Bible tells us how things started, what went wrong, and what to do next. It tells of the design, the purpose, the consequences, and the solution.
God’s design is to fill the earth with people who believe Him and act like it. That plan has not changed. While each person independently has chosen to go a different way, God continues to reach out to the rebellious, inviting each of us to believe Him; to change our thinking.
This resource is one of many good ones. Below is a great overview to deliver the big picture of the central story of the Bible. This will help you find the entrance into the Kingdom. (
If you would rather watch a video, you can see a good one here.
You can follow along in the electronic or paperback version, too. You can find it here.
The Establish 101 Course is an excellent way to begin seeing God’s view of the world.