Studying the Bible is the best education you can get to prepare for life and eternity. Have you considered doing that? e360bible.org
As I was finishing High School a missionary friend took me aside and encouraged me to attend Ethnos360 Bible Institute first, before anything else. I heard him, but I chose to go to college first in my pursuit of training as a missionary bush pilot. I found myself ill-equipped to minister to the needs of people in my dorm even though I was attending a Christian university and had heard God’s word multiple times a week for most of my life.
My friend was right. I should have gone to Bible Institute first.
After college, I did attend Ethnos360 Bible Institute. The things I learned have affected every aspect of my life and ministry every day in the decades thereafter.
Having received a great blessing, I want to share that blessing with others. A solid Bible education is the most valuable education a student can receive; anchored in truth to learn to live life well and to invest toward eternity.
Ethnos360 Bible Institutes – Relationship – (youtu.be/8R6s7ml7Hxs)
Many young people are heading off to a university as if that were the best investment of their young adult life toward their future. The obstacles there are many. Consequences such as student debt and non-Biblical worldviews are enduring. If they never hear of a better alternative, how can they respond?
My hope is that we can inspire some people to lay down their own ambitions and allow God to lead them into something far better than they thought possible. Ethnos360 Bible Institutes are a great start. The videos below will show you why Ethnos360 Bible Institutes are so very good.
Class schedules are designed to permit students to work their way through school. They graduate debt-free and ready to serve in the next steps of Christ-centered faith.
You are welcome to bring some students to visit a campus. https://e360bible.org/campus-life/visit-a-campus/
The videos below will give you a taste of Ethnos360’s values and of the heartbeat with which students will be led into God’s written word.
Ethnos360 Bible Institutes – Missions – (vimeo.com/252927655)
Ethnos360 Bible Institutes – Urgency – (youtu.be/Ku6uaVkoSJM)
Ethnos360 Bible Institutes – Bible – (vimeo.com/251717029)
Ethnos360 Bible Institutes – Community – (vimeo.com/252168639)
A Bible education is the best education a person can get. It prepares a person for living life according to God’s design, for growing to be a better person, for right thinking in regard to relationships, for living intentionally to benefit other people, and for investing resources toward laying up treasure in heaven.
Most importantly, a Bible education helps a person to think correctly about God’s character, about our condition, about our position in Christ, about values for living on earth and about investing life toward things that really matter.
Our natural inclination is to think that we already know what we need to know; that is, until someone shows us a little bit of what we don’t know. That is what a Bible education is about; learning what we didn’t know we need to know.
Many young people may not have even considered investing a year or two to learn more about the Bible. That’s where you come in. A word from you might help a person to seriously consider a life-giving experience just because you asked.
Would you be an ambassador to tell the people you know?
See –> e360bible.org